It seems a very odd idea--a man in a bone fortress who the warriors use for target practice after dinner by pitching their leftovers in his direction. Did I make this up? No, reader reader, to be honest I made up very little when writing Courting Trouble. Helmstan's story is part of the history / mythology that was circulating in 802 Wessex. As I researched the period I came up with many gems like this one, and I wove them into a tale grounded in the history of this place and time. Helmstan's plight was a way for me to get the idea of the depravity and barbarism of Beorhtric's court across to readers. Egbert's "rescue" of Helmstan also gave an interloper to Court a vehicle to show off how macho he is--or was he acting out of altruism? You'll have to decide that for yourself--
Illustrations for a romantic comedy set in Dark Age Wessex. The novel is built around the history, myths and legends of the era. Love and treachery at the dawn of Anglo-Saxon England.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Where Did the Bone Man Come From?
It seems a very odd idea--a man in a bone fortress who the warriors use for target practice after dinner by pitching their leftovers in his direction. Did I make this up? No, reader reader, to be honest I made up very little when writing Courting Trouble. Helmstan's story is part of the history / mythology that was circulating in 802 Wessex. As I researched the period I came up with many gems like this one, and I wove them into a tale grounded in the history of this place and time. Helmstan's plight was a way for me to get the idea of the depravity and barbarism of Beorhtric's court across to readers. Egbert's "rescue" of Helmstan also gave an interloper to Court a vehicle to show off how macho he is--or was he acting out of altruism? You'll have to decide that for yourself--
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An Enchanted Evening
In Courting Trouble a young warrior is eager to prove himself. He goes in search of conquest. Along the way, he is directed to an encha...